Faculty Members
Jr. J. C. コホ
Jr. Joao Carlos Koch
「メッセージ」Communicating in a foreign language is a very important skill. At Sapporo Gakuin University, we study English as a foreign language in many ways. You will learn about the differences between cultures, people and situations, and think about the best ways to communicate with and understand others. Everyone is unique, and we will combine our abilities to make learning English a great experience for everyone!
「メッセージ」Children learn English by using simple words and other communication skills to share their ideas and have fun. Let’s use easy English to make friends all over the world and travel overseas.
「メッセージ」 アメリカの児童小説『Wonder ワンダー』(R?Jパラシオ著)を紹介します。10歳の少年オギーは、生まれつきの顔面異常のために27回も手術を受け、学校に行ったことがありません。「現実とどうむきあうか学ばせる」こと。これが親の務めだと母親は考えます。話し合いの結果、オギーは学校へ行くことを決意します。しかし、そこでは多くの困難が待ち受けているのです。クラスメイトの言動に傷つくこともありますが、少しずつ理解者も現れます。「自分がなんなのかを学ぶこと」こそが、ここでやるべきことだと英語(国語)の先生が語ります。この意味をオギーは考え、少しずつ成長していくことになるのです。物語の展開や題名の意味を予想しながら読むと面白いでしょう。映画化もされており、また原書(英文)との比較もお勧めです。
D. A. ハメット
David Andrew Hammett
?task-based language teaching (タスクベースの言語教育)
?e-learning (eラーニング)Learning a language is in many ways like unveiling a new world. When we learn a new language we are opening ourselves to new ways of thinking and understanding others and ourselves. In our classes we will learn English by relating to others and with the world. -
Communicating in a foreign language is an exciting tool for expanding our horizons. English language skills can help us to access international resources for interests in pleasure or work, build personal international relationships and participate in the growing international online space. In our classes, we focus on real-world skills for enjoying English communication opportunities.
I. C. リン
Ivy Chu-Hui Lin
?Second language vocabulary acquisition
?Pedagogical design for blended learning
?Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)(メタ認知方略)
Why do you need to learn English language? Learning a second language offers you career and travel opportunities and gives you different perspectives of the world. So, challenge yourself to learn a new language! In my class, you will use English in speaking, writing, and communicating with others. The secret to success is “don’t be afraid to make mistakes”. Making mistakes is part of the process in acquiring a foreign language. Be ready to use what you have learnt in high school to become a better English communicator.